On the 25th April 2015 the Gorkha earthquake rocked Nepal killing over 7,000 people and injuring thousands, many of who will be disabled for life. We have previously coordinated in 2005 (Kashmir earthquake) and in 2010 (Haiti earthquake) with Merlin to get mobility and medical equipment on site to assist disabled earthquake survivors. Merlin were taken over by Save the Children three years ago and fortunately our relationship continues. In conjunction with our Welsh partner Wheelie Good Idea we delivered over 3 tons of mobility and medical equipment to the Merlin / Save the Children emergency depot which was air freighted to Kathmandu.
Here is a link to part of ITV broadcast ‘Life After the Earthquake’ where you can see how some of the equipment has been deployed.
Financial donations are always needed needed to to continue our aims which include our Fursa initiative in Kenya.